Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wasting Time?

Well, it's been a long time since I've updated this thing, hasn't it?

One reason, I suppose, is that since January, whenever I've felt the need to express myself, I've actually been writing fan fiction. Yes, fan fiction - the shame! Not only that, but it's actually Buffy crossover fan fiction.

Actually, it looks like I went through a brief 'creative' period back in January, from the 5th to the 10th, during which I wrote over 20,000 words in a handful of weeknights, and then I've done about another 40,000 words since mid July. Maybe the latter has something to do with having more time at home, since my son Vincent has been spending his summer with his grandmother.

Still, it strikes me that that's a pretty good clip to be producing prose, assuming that it's not all crap. I'm telling myself that this is all just good practice in writing dialogue for different characters, while my wife is insisting that this means I should get off (or rather on, I suppose) my ass and start work on a novel or at least some short stories I can actually submit for publication.

Meantime it's all really wacky, convoluted stuff, with enough cameos and references that I did footnotes in one story. It's also got spoilers for the new Dr. Who Season 2 and some of this summer's movies, like Superman Returns, so you have been warned - but in case anybody's interested, here's the link:


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